Effect of Intravenous Phloroglucinol Injections upon duration of Active First Stage of Labor
Intravenous Phloroglucinol Effect on First Stage of Labor
First Stage Labor, Labor duration, Pakistan, PhloroglucinolAbstract
Objective: In our part of the world poverty and illiteracy has adversely affected our core objective of pregnancy i.e. healthy mother and healthy child. Exploring the role of a routinely used drug in reducing the duration of labor could be a breakthrough. Present study was planned accordingly to evaluate the effect of phloroglucinol (PHL).
Materials and Methods: It was a Randomized controlled trial conducted at Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Combined Military Hospital, Bahawalpur from January 2019 to June 2019. This study included 60 cases of age 18 to 40 years, having singleton pregnancy and in active first stage of uncomplicated labor. Patients with history of multiple pregnancies, obstetrical and surgical complications and cardiorespiratory diseases were excluded. The cases were placed randomly into Group A & Group B and given intravenous PHL and a placebo respectively. After this, duration of the first stage of labor was recorded in minutes from when there was 3-4 cm cervical dilatation with regular uterine contractions to complete cervical dilation i.e. 10 cm and descent of the presenting fetal part.
Results: Mean duration of active first stage of labor in experimental group A (230.20 ± 52.96 minutes) was significantly higher than that of control group B (345.30 ± 50.57 minutes).
Conclusion: This study concluded that intravenous PHL has efficiently reduced the duration of active first stage of labor in these randomly selected nulliparous and multiparous women. PHL is a useful drug serving the purpose of a spasmolytic, analgesic and labor augmentation at the same time.
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