Effect of placental cord blood drainage on duration of third stage of labour
Effect of placental cord blood drainage
Prolonged third stage of labour, Placental blood drainage, Delayed cord clampingAbstract
Introduction: Third stage of labour start after delivery of baby and continues till delivery of placental and membranes. Post-partum hemorrhage is most common complication of this stage.
Objectives: To compare the mean duration of third stage of labour in patients undergoing spontaneous vaginal delivery with and without placental cord blood drainage.
Materials and Methods: This randomized control trial was carried out in three tertiary care hospitals of Punjab, Department of Obstetrics &Gynecology, Allied Hospital, Faisalabad, Lady Aitcheson Hospital Lahore and Lady Willington Hospital Lahore. From 1st July 2018 to 30th December 2018, 188 cases (94 in each group) were selected using non probability consecutive sampling. Total 188 patients were enrolled in the study after taking informed consent and allocated into control and case group by lottery method. In control group cord was clamped from both sides while in case group cord was unclamped from other side and duration of third stage was noted for both groups. Ethical approval was taken from hospital ethical committee.
Results: The mean age was 29.06 ± 4.9 years with minimum age of 21 years and maximum age of 45 years. More patients belong to younger age group (20 years to 35 years) i.e. 119 while 69 belonged to elder age group i.e. 36 year to 50 years 63.2 % and 36.7% respectively. Mean duration of third stage of labour in case group was 8.5±2.9 minutes and in control group 10.8±5.4 minutes. More distribution of patients in younger age group 20 -35 years and less in 36 to 50 years i.e. 67% and 33% respectively.
Conclusion: This study concluded that unclamping placenta from mother side significantly reduces the third stage of labour